Saturday, May 18, 2013

30 reasons why you should be a beard grower

Hey friends!

Thanks for checking us out and getting excited about our Beard-a-thon. We have been so incredibly encouraged by the number of people who have signed up to grow beards, who have expressed interest in sponsoring our Beard Growers, who have already begun making donations, and for all the hits this site has received so far. Who knew Beards could be such a big deal? Regardless, we are blessed by your interest, love and support and we thank God for you.

We have 7 Officials Beard Growers and more in the works! We are looking for at least three more men who would be willing to grow their beards to grow our family (though the more, the merrier!). Today is DJ's 30th birthday and in honor of his big day, I present to you...  

30 Reasons why you should consider growing a beard for our beard-a-thon: 

30. It can be your (free) birthday present to DJ.

29. It's a fun way to raise adoption awareness.

28. Beard Growers will receive a free t-shirt.

27. Adoption is central to the Father's heart and is a picture of the gospel.

26. So you can be like this guy.

25. There will be fun incentives and prizes along the way to keep you motivated...and bearded.

24. It's for a good cause.

23. It's an entertaining way to carry out God's command to care for the orphans.

22. It's a great conversation starter.

21. It's a fantastic use of the facial hair that God gave you.

20. It's manly.

19. It's awesome.

18. It's easy.

17. It's a funny event....with gospel implications.

16. Because one day our kid will find out that your beard helped bring him home, and how cool of a story is that?!

15. Because a child needs a home.

14. Because beards are awesome. And so are babies.

13. 153,000,000 orphans. Minus one.

12. Because in doing so, you're changing lives.

11. To attract the ladies....

10. ....Or, to look shady.

9. Because thanks to social media, this will be on your record for the rest of your life.

8. To be a part of God's work in setting the lonely in families.

7. To protect your face from sunburn.

6. Because it's cheaper than shaving.

5. Because it's easier than shaving.

4. No more nicking yourself with a razor or suffering from that awful sting of after shave.

3. To provide a built in cushion to rest your face on.

2. We will love you forever.

1. And last but not least.... because Jesus had a beard.

So, whadya say? Are you in? Sign up here!

Love, the Hofmanns

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